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2015 International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER)


      The IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems invites contributions describing the latest scientific and technological research results in subjects including, but are not limited to:

Physical Systems: Embedded systems; integrated sensing, communication, and computational systems; chemical, biological, physical diagnostic and implantable systems; complex systems; mobile intelligent systems; micro power grids; electric power networks and grids; sustainable and distributed energy systems; energy scavenging systems; cyber technology to protect critical infrastructure.

Control/Automation: Adaptive control; networked control; nonlinear control, multi-agent systems; co-operative control; control of energy systems; hybrid control; intelligent automation; intelligent control; factory modeling and simulation; home, laboratory and service automation; automation in energy systems; automation in life sciences and healthcare; planning, scheduling and coordination; biomedical applications.

Robotics: Tele-robotics; human-machine interaction; perception systems; neural-controlled machines and robots; micro/nano/bio manipulation and assembly; search, rescue and field robotics; robot sensing and data fusion; localization, navigation and mapping; medical robots and bio-robotics; human-centered systems; space and underwater robots.

Internet of Things and Sensor Network: Advanced “Internet of Things” technologies and applications; E-commerce; mobile commerce; logistics; transportation related issues; cyber security for energy and communication infrastructures; wireless, optical, and hybrid communications systems; internet security.

  Website: http://www.ieee-cyber.org/2015/